(function() {
var rebound = {};
Rebound is a simple library that models Spring dynamics for the purpose of driving physical animations.
Rebound was originally written in Java to provide a lightweight physics system for Facebook Home and Chat Heads on Android. It’s now been adopted by several other Android applications. This JavaScript port was written to provide a quick way to demonstrate Rebound animations on the web for a conference talk. Since then the JavaScript version has been used to build some really nice interfaces. Check out brandonwalkin.com for an example.
The Library provides a SpringSystem for maintaining a set of Spring objects and iterating those Springs through a physics solver loop until equilibrium is achieved. The Spring class is the basic animation driver provided by Rebound. By attaching a listener to a Spring, you can observe its motion. The observer function is notified of position changes on the spring as it solves for equilibrium. These position updates can be mapped to an animation range to drive animated property updates on your user interface elements (translation, rotation, scale, etc).
Here’s a simple example. Pressing and releasing on the logo below will cause it to scale up and down with a springy animation.
Here’s how it works.
// Get a reference to the logo element.
var el = document.getElementById('logo');
// create a SpringSystem and a Spring with a bouncy config.
var springSystem = new rebound.SpringSystem();
var spring = springSystem.createSpring(50, 3);
// Add a listener to the spring. Every time the physics
// solver updates the Spring's value onSpringUpdate will
// be called.
onSpringUpdate: function(spring) {
var val = spring.getCurrentValue();
val = rebound.MathUtil
.mapValueInRange(val, 0, 1, 1, 0.5);
scale(el, val);
// Listen for mouse down/up/out and toggle the
//springs endValue from 0 to 1.
el.addEventListener('mousedown', function() {
el.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
el.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
// Helper for scaling an element with css transforms.
function scale(el, val) {
el.style.mozTransform =
el.style.msTransform =
el.style.webkitTransform =
el.style.transform = 'scale3d(' +
val + ', ' + val + ', 1)';
(function() {
var rebound = {};
SpringSystem is a set of Springs that all run on the same physics timing loop. To get started with a Rebound animation you first create a new SpringSystem and then add springs to it.
var SpringSystem = rebound.SpringSystem = function SpringSystem() {
this._springRegistry = {};
this._activeSprings = [];
this._listeners = [];
this._idleSpringIndices = [];
this._boundFrameCallback = bind(this._frameCallback, this);
extend(SpringSystem, {});
extend(SpringSystem.prototype, {
_springRegistry: null,
_isIdle: true,
_lastTimeMillis: -1,
_activeSprings: null,
_listeners: null,
_idleSpringIndices: null,
_frameCallback: function() {
_frameCallbackId: null,
Create and register a new spring with the SpringSystem. This Spring will now be solved for during the physics iteration loop. By default the spring will use the default Origami spring config with 40 tension and 7 friction, but you can also provide your own values here.
createSpring: function(tension, friction) {
var spring = new Spring(this);
if (typeof tension === 'undefined' || typeof friction === 'undefined') {
} else {
var springConfig = SpringConfig.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(tension, friction);
return spring;
You can check if a SpringSystem is idle or active by calling getIsIdle. If all of the Springs in the SpringSystem are at rest, i.e. the physics forces have reached equilibrium, then this method will return true.
getIsIdle: function() {
return this._isIdle;
Retrieve a specific Spring from the SpringSystem by id. This can be useful for inspecting the state of a spring before or after an integration loop in the SpringSystem executes.
getSpringById: function (id) {
return this._springRegistry[id];
Get a listing of all the springs registered with this SpringSystem.
getAllSprings: function() {
return Object.values(this._springRegistry);
registerSpring is called automatically as soon as you create a Spring with SpringSystem#createSpring. This method sets the spring up in the registry so that it can be solved in the solver loop.
registerSpring: function(spring) {
this._springRegistry[spring.getId()] = spring;
Deregister a spring with this SpringSystem. The SpringSystem will no longer consider this Spring during its integration loop once this is called. This is normally done automatically for you when you call Spring#destroy.
deregisterSpring: function(spring) {
removeFirst(this._activeSprings, spring);
delete this._springRegistry[spring.getId()];
advance: function(time, deltaTime) {
while(this._idleSpringIndices.length > 0) this._idleSpringIndices.pop();
for (var i = 0, len = this._activeSprings.length; i < len; i++) {
var spring = this._activeSprings[i];
if (spring.systemShouldAdvance()) {
spring.advance(time / 1000.0, deltaTime / 1000.0);
} else {
while(this._idleSpringIndices.length > 0) {
var idx = this._idleSpringIndices.pop();
idx >= 0 && this._activeSprings.splice(idx, 1);
This is our main solver loop called to move the simulation forward through time. Before each pass in the solver loop onBeforeIntegrate is called on an any listeners that have registered themeselves with the SpringSystem. This gives you an opportunity to apply any constraints or adjustments to the springs that should be enforced before each iteration loop. Next the advance method is called to move each Spring in the systemShouldAdvance forward to the current time. After the integration step runs in advance, onAfterIntegrate is called on any listeners that have registered themselves with the SpringSystem. This gives you an opportunity to run any post integration constraints or adjustments on the Springs in the SpringSystem.
loop: function() {
var listener;
var currentTimeMillis = Date.now();
if (this._lastTimeMillis === -1) {
this._lastTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis -1;
var ellapsedMillis = currentTimeMillis - this._lastTimeMillis;
this._lastTimeMillis = currentTimeMillis;
var i = 0, len = this._listeners.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var listener = this._listeners[i];
listener.onBeforeIntegrate && listener.onBeforeIntegrate(this);
this.advance(currentTimeMillis, ellapsedMillis);
if (this._activeSprings.length === 0) {
this._isIdle = true;
this._lastTimeMillis = -1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var listener = this._listeners[i];
listener.onAfterIntegrate && listener.onAfterIntegrate(this);
if (!this._isIdle) {
this._frameCallbackId =
activateSpring is used to notify the SpringSystem that a Spring has become displaced. The system responds by starting its solver loop up if it is currently idle.
activateSpring: function(springId) {
var spring = this._springRegistry[springId];
if (this._activeSprings.indexOf(spring) == -1) {
if (this.getIsIdle()) {
this._isIdle = false;
this._frameCallbackId =
Add a listener to the SpringSystem so that you can receive before/after integration notifications allowing Springs to be constrained or adjusted.
addListener: function(listener) {
Remove a previously added listener on the SpringSystem.
removeListener: function(listener) {
removeFirst(this._listeners, listener);
Remove all previously added listeners on the SpringSystem.
removeAllListeners: function() {
this._listeners = [];
Spring provides a model of a classical spring acting to
resolve a body to equilibrium. Springs have configurable
tension which is a force multipler on the displacement of the
spring from its rest point or endValue
as defined by Hooke’s
law. Springs also have
configurable friction, which ensures that they do not oscillate
infinitely. When a Spring is displaced by updating it’s resting
or currentValue
, the SpringSystems that contain that Spring
will automatically start looping to solve for equilibrium. As each
timestep passes, SpringListener
objects attached to the Spring
will be notified of the updates providing a way to drive an
animation off of the spring’s resolution curve.
var Spring = rebound.Spring = function Spring(springSystem) {
this._id = Spring._ID++;
this._springSystem = springSystem;
this._listeners = [];
this._currentState = new PhysicsState();
this._previousState = new PhysicsState();
this._tempState = new PhysicsState();
extend(Spring, {
_ID: 0,
extend(Spring.prototype, {
_id: 0,
_springConfig: null,
_overshootClampingEnabled: false,
_currentState: null,
_previousState: null,
_tempState: null,
_startValue: 0,
_endValue: 0,
_wasAtRest: true,
_restSpeedThreshold: 0.001,
_displacementFromRestThreshold: 0.001,
_listeners: null,
_timeAccumulator: 0,
_springSystem: null,
Remove a Spring from simulation and clear its listeners.
destroy: function() {
this._listeners = [];
Get the id of the spring, which can be used to retrieve it from the SpringSystems it participates in later.
getId: function() {
return this._id;
Set the configuration values for this Spring. A SpringConfig contains the tension and friction values used to solve for the equilibrium of the Spring in the physics loop.
setSpringConfig: function(springConfig) {
this._springConfig = springConfig;
return this;
Retrieve the SpringConfig used by this Spring.
getSpringConfig: function() {
return this._springConfig;
Set the current position of this Spring. Listeners will be updated
with this value immediately. If the rest or endValue
is not
updated to match this value, then the spring will be dispalced and
the SpringSystem will start to loop to restore the spring to the
A common pattern is to move a Spring around without animation by calling.
This moves the Spring to a new position n
, sets the endValue
to n
, and removes any velocity from the Spring
. By doing
this you can allow the SpringListener
to manage the position
of UI elements attached to the spring even when moving without
animation. For example, when dragging an element you can
update the position of an attached view through a spring
by calling spring.setCurrentValue(x).setAtRest()
. When
the gesture ends you can update the Springs
velocity and endValue without calling setAtRest
to cause it to naturally animate the UI element to the resting
position taking into account existing velocity. The codepath for
synchronous movement and spring driven animation can
be unified using this technique.
setCurrentValue: function(currentValue) {
this._startValue = currentValue;
this._currentState.position = currentValue;
for (var i = 0, len = this._listeners.length; i < len; i++) {
var listener = this._listeners[i];
listener.onSpringUpdate && listener.onSpringUpdate(this);
return this;
Get the position that the most recent animation started at. This can be useful for determining the number off oscillations that have occurred.
getStartValue: function() {
return this._startValue;
Retrieve the current value of the Spring.
getCurrentValue: function() {
return this._currentState.position;
Get the absolute distance of the Spring from it’s resting endValue position.
getCurrentDisplacementDistance: function() {
return this.getDisplacementDistanceForState(this._currentState);
getDisplacementDistanceForState: function(state) {
return Math.abs(this._endValue - state.position);
Set the endValue or resting position of the spring. If this value is different than the current value, the SpringSystem will be notified and will begin running its solver loop to resolve the Spring to equilibrium. Any listeners that are registered for onSpringEndStateChange will also be notified of this update immediately.
setEndValue: function(endValue) {
if (this._endValue == endValue && this.isAtRest()) {
return this;
this._startValue = this.getCurrentValue();
this._endValue = endValue;
for (var i = 0, len = this._listeners.length; i < len; i++) {
var listener = this._listeners[i];
listener.onSpringEndStateChange && listener.onSpringEndStateChange(this);
return this;
Retrieve the endValue or resting position of this spring.
getEndValue: function() {
return this._endValue;
Set the current velocity of the Spring. As previously mentioned, this can be useful when you are performing a direct manipulation gesture. When a UI element is released you may call setVelocity on its animation Spring so that the Spring continues with the same velocity as the gesture ended with. The friction, tension, and displacement of the Spring will then govern its motion to return to rest on a natural feeling curve.
setVelocity: function(velocity) {
this._currentState.velocity = velocity;
return this;
Get the current velocity of the Spring.
getVelocity: function() {
return this._currentState.velocity;
Set a threshold value for the movement speed of the Spring below which it will be considered to be not moving or resting.
setRestSpeedThreshold: function(restSpeedThreshold) {
this._restSpeedThreshold = restSpeedThreshold;
return this;
Retrieve the rest speed threshold for this Spring.
getRestSpeedThreshold: function() {
return this._restSpeedThreshold;
Set a threshold value for displacement below which the Spring
will be considered to be not displaced i.e. at its resting
setRestDisplacementThreshold: function(displacementFromRestThreshold) {
this._displacementFromRestThreshold = displacementFromRestThreshold;
Retrieve the rest displacement threshold for this spring.
getRestDisplacementThreshold: function() {
return this._displacementFromRestThreshold;
Enable overshoot clamping. This means that the Spring will stop immediately when it reaches its resting position regardless of any existing momentum it may have. This can be useful for certain types of animations that should not oscillate such as a scale down to 0 or alpha fade.
setOvershootClampingEnabled: function(enabled) {
this._overshootClampingEnabled = enabled;
return this;
Check if overshoot clamping is enabled for this spring.
isOvershootClampingEnabled: function() {
return this._overshootClampingEnabled;
Check if the Spring has gone past its end point by comparing the direction it was moving in when it started to the current position and end value.
isOvershooting: function() {
return (this._startValue < this._endValue &&
this.getCurrentValue() > this._endValue) ||
(this._startValue > this._endValue &&
this.getCurrentValue() < this._endValue);
Spring.advance is the main solver method for the Spring. It takes the current time and delta since the last time step and performs an RK4 integration to get the new position and velocity state for the Spring based on the tension, friction, velocity, and displacement of the Spring.
advance: function(time, realDeltaTime) {
var isAtRest = this.isAtRest();
if (isAtRest && this._wasAtRest) {
var adjustedDeltaTime = realDeltaTime;
if (realDeltaTime > Spring.MAX_DELTA_TIME_SEC) {
adjustedDeltaTime = Spring.MAX_DELTA_TIME_SEC;
this._timeAccumulator += adjustedDeltaTime;
var tension = this._springConfig.tension,
friction = this._springConfig.friction,
position = this._currentState.position,
velocity = this._currentState.velocity,
tempPosition = this._tempState.position,
tempVelocity = this._tempState.velocity,
aVelocity, aAcceleration,
bVelocity, bAcceleration,
cVelocity, cAcceleration,
dVelocity, dAcceleration,
dxdt, dvdt;
while(this._timeAccumulator >= Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC) {
this._timeAccumulator -= Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC;
if (this._timeAccumulator < Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC) {
this._previousState.position = position;
this._previousState.velocity = velocity;
aVelocity = velocity;
aAcceleration = (tension * (this._endValue - tempPosition)) - friction * velocity;
tempPosition = position + aVelocity * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC * 0.5;
tempVelocity = velocity + aAcceleration * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC * 0.5;
bVelocity = tempVelocity;
bAcceleration = (tension * (this._endValue - tempPosition)) - friction * tempVelocity;
tempPosition = position + bVelocity * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC * 0.5;
tempVelocity = velocity + bAcceleration * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC * 0.5;
cVelocity = tempVelocity;
cAcceleration = (tension * (this._endValue - tempPosition)) - friction * tempVelocity;
tempPosition = position + cVelocity * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC * 0.5;
tempVelocity = velocity + cAcceleration * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC * 0.5;
dVelocity = tempVelocity;
dAcceleration = (tension * (this._endValue - tempPosition)) - friction * tempVelocity;
dxdt = 1.0/6.0 * (aVelocity + 2.0 * (bVelocity + cVelocity) + dVelocity);
dvdt = 1.0/6.0 *
(aAcceleration + 2.0 * (bAcceleration + cAcceleration) + dAcceleration);
position += dxdt * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC;
velocity += dvdt * Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC;
this._tempState.position = tempPosition;
this._tempState.velocity = tempVelocity;
this._currentState.position = position;
this._currentState.velocity = velocity;
if (this._timeAccumulator > 0) {
this.interpolate(this._timeAccumulator / Spring.SOLVER_TIMESTEP_SEC);
if (this.isAtRest() ||
this._overshootClampingEnabled && this.isOvershooting()) {
this._startValue = this._endValue;
this._currentState.position = this._endValue;
isAtRest = true;
var notifyActivate = false;
if (this._wasAtRest) {
this._wasAtRest = false;
notifyActivate = true;
var notifyAtRest = false;
if (isAtRest) {
this._wasAtRest = true;
notifyAtRest = true;
for (var i = 0, len = this._listeners.length; i < len; i++) {
var listener = this._listeners[i];
if (notifyActivate) {
listener.onSpringActivate && listener.onSpringActivate(this);
listener.onSpringUpdate && listener.onSpringUpdate(this);
if (notifyAtRest) {
listener.onSpringAtRest && listener.onSpringAtRest(this);
Check if the SpringSystem should advance. Springs are advanced a final frame after they reach equilibrium to ensure that the currentValue is exactly the requested endValue regardless of the displacement threshold.
systemShouldAdvance: function() {
return !this.isAtRest() || !this.wasAtRest();
wasAtRest: function() {
return this._wasAtRest;
Check if the Spring is atRest meaning that it’s currentValue and endValue are the same and that it has no velocity. The previously described thresholds for speed and displacement define the bounds of this equivalence check.
isAtRest: function() {
return Math.abs(this._currentState.velocity) < this._restSpeedThreshold &&
this.getDisplacementDistanceForState(this._currentState) <=
Force the spring to be at rest at its current position. As described in the documentation for setCurrentValue, this method makes it easy to do synchronous non-animated updates to ui elements that are attached to springs via SpringListeners.
setAtRest: function() {
this._endValue = this._currentState.position;
this._tempState.position = this._currentState.position;
this._currentState.velocity = 0;
return this;
interpolate: function(alpha) {
this._currentState.position = this._currentState.position *
alpha + this._previousState.position * (1 - alpha);
this._currentState.velocity = this._currentState.velocity *
alpha + this._previousState.velocity * (1 - alpha);
addListener: function(newListener) {
return this;
removeListener: function(listenerToRemove) {
removeFirst(this._listeners, listenerToRemove);
return this;
removeAllListeners: function() {
this._listeners = [];
return this;
currentValueIsApproximately: function(value) {
return Math.abs(this.getCurrentValue() - value) <=
PhysicsState consists of a position and velocity. A Spring uses this internally to keep track of its current and prior position and velocity values.
var PhysicsState = function PhysicsState() {};
extend(PhysicsState.prototype, {
position: 0,
velocity: 0
SpringConfig maintains a set of tension and friction constants for a Spring. You can use fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction to convert values from the Origami design tool directly to Rebound spring constants.
var SpringConfig = rebound.SpringConfig =
function SpringConfig(tension, friction) {
this.tension = tension;
this.friction = friction;
Math for converting from Origami to Rebound. You mostly don’t need to worry about this, just use SpringConfig.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(v, v);
var OrigamiValueConverter = {
tensionFromOrigamiValue: function(oValue) {
return (oValue - 30.0) * 3.62 + 194.0;
origamiValueFromTension: function(tension) {
return (tension - 194.0) / 3.62 + 30.0;
frictionFromOrigamiValue: function(oValue) {
return (oValue - 8.0) * 3.0 + 25.0;
origamiFromFriction: function(friction) {
return (friction - 25.0) / 3.0 + 8.0;
extend(SpringConfig, {
Convert an origami Spring tension and friction to Rebound spring constants. If you are prototyping a design with Origami, this makes it easy to make your springs behave exactly the same in Rebound.
fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction: function(oTension, oFriction) {
return new SpringConfig(
SpringConfig.DEFAULT_ORIGAMI_SPRING_CONFIG = SpringConfig.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(40, 7);
extend(SpringConfig.prototype, {
friction: 0,
tension: 0
var MathUtil = rebound.MathUtil = {
This helper function does a linear interpolation of a value from
one range to another. This can be very useful for converting the
motion of a Spring to a range of UI property values. For example a
spring moving from position 0 to 1 could be interpolated to move a
view from pixel 300 to 350 and scale it from 0.5 to 1. The current
position of the Spring
just needs to be run through this method
taking its input range in the from parameters with the property
animation range in the to parameters.
mapValueInRange: function(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh) {
fromRangeSize = fromHigh - fromLow;
toRangeSize = toHigh - toLow;
valueScale = (value - fromLow) / fromRangeSize;
return toLow + (valueScale * toRangeSize);
Here are a few useful JavaScript utilities.
Lop off the first occurence of the reference in the Array.
function removeFirst(array, item) {
var idx = array.indexOf(item);
idx != -1 && array.splice(idx, 1);
function compatCancelAnimationFrame(id) {
return typeof window != 'undefined' &&
window.cancelAnimationFrame &&
Cross browser/node timer functions.
function compatRequestAnimationFrame(func) {
var meth;
if (typeof process != 'undefined') {
meth = process.nextTick;
} else {
meth = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
return meth(func);
var concat = Array.prototype.concat;
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
Bind a function to a context object.
function bind(func, context) {
args = slice.call(arguments, 2);
return function() {
func.apply(context, concat.call(args, slice.call(arguments)));
Add all the properties in the source to the target.
function extend(target, source) {
for (var key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[key] = source[key];
Export the public api using exports for common js or the window for normal browser inclusion.
if (typeof exports != 'undefined') {
extend(exports, rebound);
} else if (typeof window != 'undefined') {
window.rebound = rebound;
* Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.